Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, and his primary focus is helping travellers find the right cover for their medical conditions.

Originally posted: 30th May 2019

**Please note, this offer expired on 15th April 2020**

Specialist medical travel insurance comparison website, Medical Travel Compared (MTC), has joined forces with the app GP On Demand to give customers for the first-time 24-hour access to an NHS qualified GP whilst travelling abroad and in Britain.

From 30th May 2019, any customer who purchases a travel insurance policy through MTC will automatically receive one month’s access to the app.

GP on Demand delivers its service using the largest service of its kind in the UK with more than 3.6 million users and provides 24/7 access to telephone-based GP consultations by NHS-practicing GP’s. Customers will also have access to video consultations between 8am and 10am GMT daily, unlimited call frequency and call time, plus prescription delivery service in the UK and EU. The service can be used in the UK and abroad, in addition to normal GP services, without the need to unregister with their existing GP.

Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director of Medical Travel Compared says, “We’re thrilled to be partnering with such an innovative piece of technology. The new service will offer our customers excellent value for money, as well as providing a great source of comfort for those who travel with pre-existing conditions.”

Once customers have experienced the first month for free, they will have the option to renew their subscription on a monthly rolling basis for £5.95 per month.

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