Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, and his primary focus is helping travellers find the right cover for their medical conditions.

5 min read

Travelling is something almost all of us enjoy and something that everyone should get the privilege of experiencing, whether that is exploring wonders that the rest of the world has to offer or making memories with family and loved ones. But for some, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions, or those who may be a little older, the thought of travelling might feel like a daunting one, but it doesn’t have to be. In this guide, we offer holiday tips for older people who want to enjoy the rest of what life has to offer.

Tips Before You Go Away

Obviously, the most exciting part about travelling is actually getting to explore the destinations you’ve always dreamed of, but there are things you should consider and plan before travelling that will make your upcoming adventures go without a hitch and allow you to travel with peace of mind that everything is taken care of.


Spontaneity might sound thrilling, but for those with medical conditions, planning will enable you to travel freely without worry and concern. Travelling often disrupts your daily routine, so you will need to plan for these differences, such as making sure you get enough medication for the length of your trip and researching nearby pharmacies should you need any more whilst you’re travelling.

It is important, especially for older travellers that you do your research on your chosen destination, the surrounding location, and the local amenities. If you have limited mobility, then you will make to make sure you are staying in a location where all you will require is nearby, such as restaurants, bars, beaches, and shopping centres.

Documentation and Healthcare

It may not be something you think about, but having the correct documentation with you when you travel is essential, especially if you have a medical condition. Firstly, you will want to triple-check that you have your passport, that it is in date, and that it is signed, to make life easier at the airport, it is also easier to print boarding passes at home, so you know you have these prior to arriving at the airport.

This isn’t essential for most short-term holidays, but if you are planning to go away for a longer period, then make sure you check whether you need a visa prior to travelling, if you do, you will need to make sure you have all the correct documentation with you. If driving abroad is something you plan on doing, then make sure you have your driving license with you, the car hire company will want to see this on arrival.

Travel insurance is something that shouldn’t be overlooked if you’re planning to travel abroad, especially for more mature travellers who may have existing health conditions. Travel insurance for those with medical conditions is easy and simple to take out with Medical Travel Compared and will cover you for any medical emergencies or medical expenses you might encounter if you become sick or ill abroad.


Even though you might not spend much time at your accommodation when you are on holiday or abroad, it is worth making sure it is right for you and that it meets your requirements, especially if you use a mobility aid.

For those with medical conditions, you might want to consider a ground floor room or a villa that is a bungalow or has downstairs bedrooms to make getting around easier, especially if you might be there alone on occasion. If you are planning to stay at a resort or a large hotel complex, then make sure the amenities match your requirements and needs before booking and don’t be afraid to email and ask questions if needs be.

Older Couple In The Sun On Holiday

Explore Within Your Capabilities

When travelling, whether that is a holiday in the UK or abroad, it is important to know your capabilities and not push yourself because you’re excited to explore. Planning your itinerary will enable you to make a plan that works for you, includes all the sights and attractions you want to see, and allows you to get the rest and relaxation you need.

You can plan your itinerary as meticulously or as freely as you like, but having a plan in place will ease stress and worry.

If you’re looking to plan a holiday a little later in life, then hopefully this guide has given you a few top tips and tricks to make your trip as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Compare holiday insurance via our website and start planning as soon as possible. For more articles like this, make sure you explore our blog.

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