Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, and his primary focus is helping travellers find the right cover for their medical conditions.

Originally posted: 1st Sep 2022

Can I get travel insurance with COPD?

Yes – once you declare Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) as a condition, you can compare a range of quotes for specialist COPD travel insurance policies.

Therefore, it’s important that you declare COPD as part of your medical history. Once you do this, you’ll need to answer a few specific questions related to your condition.

You’ll be asked how much medication you’ve been prescribed to manage your breathing condition, how many hospital admissions you’ve had in the last year, how short of breath you get after a certain distance, and previous medical screenings, if your medicines are prescribed away from the hospital if you’ve ever been a smoker, and if you’ve had pneumonia or any other chest infection in the last year.

Answering these questions as accurately as possible enables us to find policies that are more relevant to your personal circumstances.

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What does COPD travel insurance cover?

A standard medical travel insurance policy for pre-existing medical conditions will usually include a number of benefits – from lost/stolen personal belongings (including medication) to cancellation.

Essentially, cover limits vary from provider to provider, but overall – you’ll be able to claim up to the policy limits for things like emergency medical expenses, for instance.

This type of thing is to be expected in a COPD travel insurance policy – given the nature of the condition and the average patient’s reliance on their medication and other emergencies that may require a medical screening process or further investigation.

Flying with COPD

Flying with COPD is perfectly fine for most passengers with the condition. With most types of COPD - consulting your GP is an important aspect of assessing your fitness to fly, as long as you feel well enough within yourself to manage a long-haul or even short-haul flight, but in most cases, flying is comfortable and safe.

A small minority of COPD patients may be putting themselves in some form of risk by flying. However, provided they can travel with supplementary oxygen, air travel is perfectly manageable for these patients too.

Can I fly with mild COPD?

As mentioned above – in most cases, it’s fine to fly with mild COPD. However, it’s also worth bearing in mind that COPD is the umbrella term for a number of different lung conditions that affect people in different ways. So, each case varies from person to person – and although the symptoms may be less mild, there is still a risk to consider.

Checking with your doctor for advice about flying, however mild your condition, is still a reasonable precaution to consider.

Can I fly with severe COPD?

Depending on which Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease condition you suffer from, whether it is bad emphysema or severe bronchitis – you need to consider the fact that this automatically puts you at a higher risk while flying.

This is because the more severe the condition is, the more likely there are to be complications. That being said, in most cases, people are fine to fly as long as they have a supplementary oxygen supply available for them on the flight itself.

Here you would need to notify the airline that you require special considerations to be made on your behalf. It’s also wise to talk all of this through with your doctor before making any definitive travel arrangements.

Shallow lake

Can I fly long haul with COPD?

Firstly, consider whether you’re fit to fly altogether.

If you feel fit and healthy and a flight is manageable – discuss with your doctor the possibilities of flying long-haul and the risks that this may present. Again, this is all dependent on which specific lung condition you suffer with, but letting your airline know that you may need a special oxygen supply is an important consideration to make.

Dr Sarah Jarvis, MBE

Top tips for travelling if you have COPD

Dr Sarah Jarvis is the Clinical Director of the Patient Platform, an active medical writer, broadcaster, and the resident doctor for BBC Radio 2.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a long-term condition of the lungs where the flow of air to the lungs is restricted. It is often, but not always, related to smoking. COPD used to be called emphysema or chronic bronchitis. About three million people in the UK have COPD –

  1. Check with your doctor in advance. They may recommend that you avoid certain types of travel or destinations.
  2. High-altitude destinations often involve thinner air with lower levels of oxygen. This can make breathing harder if you have lung problems.
  3. Get your symptoms as well controlled as possible in advance. Having a review with your nurse or doctor to adjust your medication can reduce the chance of a flare-up while you're away.
  4. Have a self-management plan. This is a plan agreed with your doctor or nurse about what action to take if your symptoms get worse. This might include increasing the dose of your regular ('preventer') inhaler, keeping a course of antibiotic or steroid tablets to take in case of worsening breathing or when to seek emergency help.
  5. If you're planning to fly, speak to your GP about whether you need a fitness to fly spirometry check. This can help determine whether it's safe for you to fly and whether you would need oxygen on board the aircraft.

For more tips from Dr Sarah Jarvis check out the full guide here.

Emphysema travel insurance

With Medical Travel Compared, you can compare quotes from a number of leading insurance providers for emphysema travel insurance policies.

When asked about your medical history, you can declare emphysema as a broad condition, or also declare pulmonary interstitial emphysema if this is more applicable to you.

Here you’ll be asked similar questions relating to medication, hospital admissions, shortness of breath, use of supplementary oxygen, various chest infections (including pneumonia), and whether or not you smoke, or have been a smoker in the past.

You can therefore reasonably expect an emphysema travel insurance policy to provide similar protection to a specialist COPD travel insurance policy.

Bronchitis travel insurance

Like emphysema, bronchitis also sits beneath the umbrella of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – and as a result, bronchitis travel insurance will include a similar set of policy benefits to those you’d expect from specialist COPD or emphysema travel insurance policy.

As well as declaring bronchitis as the generic condition, you can also declare acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and eosinophilic bronchitis as separate pre-existing medical conditions.

Again, you’ll need to answer a similar set of questions so that providers can determine the nature of your condition and quote you for policies best suited to your individual needs. With a specialist bronchitis travel insurance policy, you’ll have peace of mind ahead of your trip should you need immediate protective cover as a result of your condition.

If you are concerned about travelling with COPD, this information provided by COPD Foundation may be useful.

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Frequently Asked Questions

COPD travel insurance is a specialised type of travel insurance designed for individuals who have been diagnosed with COPD. It provides protection tailored to meet the unique needs of travellers with this medical condition, ensuring that they are protected while exploring new destinations.

Standard travel insurance policies typically don’t cover pre-existing medical conditions like COPD. Having COPD travel insurance is essential because it helps cover unexpected medical expenses related to your condition while you are abroad, including emergency treatment and hospitalisation.

Yes, you can! It’s important to tell us about your COPD when getting a quote. Once you declare this condition, we'll ask you some specific questions about your health. These questions will help us find the most suitable policies from trusted specialist providers.

COPD travel insurance policies typically cover:

Make sure to check your policy documents to see what is covered by your policy. 

Definitely! You can extend your policy with optional extras, like:

  • Gadget cover for phones, laptops, or cameras.
  • Cruise cover if your trip involves travelling by sea.
  • Winter sports cover if you plan to hit the slopes.

Ask your provider about the extras available and whether they match your holiday plans.

When obtaining your quote, you will need to complete a medical declaration, where you will need to declare your COPD, and any other pre-existing medical conditions you may have.

You will be asked questions about each condition, to help our providers understand the severity of the condition. Once complete, you will then obtain quotes from the providers.

For more information on about our medical screening tool, read our guide here.

Many people with COPD can fly safely, even with long-haul flights. However, it’s always best to consult your doctor before travelling. For those with more severe symptoms, arrangements like supplemental oxygen may be required. Your airline will need prior notice of any special assistance, so planning ahead is key.

For more information on travelling with COPD, read our guide here.

Yes, certain destinations can pose higher risks for individuals with COPD. Locations with high levels of air pollution, such as major cities in developing countries, may exacerbate symptoms due to poor air quality.

Similarly, areas at high altitudes can reduce oxygen levels, which may make breathing more difficult and increase the risk of flare-ups. Humid or extremely cold climates may also be problematic for some individuals.

It's essential to research your destination, consult with your doctor, and ensure you're prepared with the necessary medication and equipment to manage potential risks effectively.

While there may not be official travel restrictions for individuals with COPD, it is crucial to take certain precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

  • Make sure to pack enough medications for your whole trip, plus a few more, just in case.
  • Let your airline know well in advance, should you need additional assistance at the airport, or oxygen on board.
  • Make sure to review your symptoms with your doctor or nurse, to get them well controlled before you head away.

For more tips, read our guide to Travelling with COPD.

Pricing depends on factors such as the severity of your COPD, your travel destination, duration, and your age. However, we compare quotes from over 30 specialist providers, helping you find competitive pricing tailored to your needs.

* Price is based on 1 traveller aged 61, who has declared COPD and is travelling to France for 7 nights. The price is correct as of January 2025. Prices may vary according to your individual requirements.

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If we're unable to help you find cover for a pre-existing medical condition, the Money Helper Directory has listings of companies that may be able to assist you. Further details can be found on their website.