Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is the second most common cause of arthritis in the UK after osteoarthritis. If you have it, you’ll know it causes inflammation, pain, and swelling of joints and, over time, can damage your joints. But while it may limit your mobility, it certainly shouldn't stop you from enjoying a holiday. However, to ensure a trouble-free trip, you will need to do some forward planning.
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Before You Travel
Check-In with Your Healthcare Professional
There are lots of factors to take into account when you're travelling, especially if you have a condition like RA. Make an appointment with your GP or specialist nurse 6-8 weeks before you go – or ideally before you finalise your booking. They can advise on activities and foods to avoid, medications to take, and if necessary provide a supply for emergencies such as steroid tablets or stronger painkillers if you have a flare-up.
Think About Vaccinations
If you’re travelling anywhere outside Western Europe, the USA, Canada or Australasia, you may need travel vaccinations or antimalarial medications.
If you're taking some 'biologic' medications to control your RA symptoms, check with your medical team before you book which travel vaccinations are suitable for you.
Avoid trips to countries where you can't be fully vaccinated – infectious diseases are bad enough if your immune system is working at full capacity, but if your immune system is suppressed by medication, they can be even more severe.
READ MORE: What Vaccines Do I Need When Travelling Abroad?
Packing Equipment
You may use joint supportive devices such as splints, or a walking aid such as a stick or walking frame. It's important to leave room in your packing for all such devices – you never know when you might need them.
A foldable cane is worth considering if you don't need one all the time. You can take a walking frame through airport security – but whether you'll be able to keep it in the cabin depends on the airline policy. Check in with your airline before you leave.
Medication Considerations
If you're taking medication – especially strong painkillers or injections – you'll need a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor.
Order a repeat supply of your medication well in advance – you should take enough to last you the whole trip and ideally at least a couple of weeks extra in case of loss, delays or other mishaps.
READ MORE: Travelling with Medication
Are Your Drugs Controlled?
Many strong painkillers are controlled drugs – the Government website carries a list of controlled drugs where you can check your painkillers. If you do need medication in the controlled drug category, you must:
- Check with the embassy website of the country you're visiting, to make sure it's allowed (some countries prohibit people from entering with certain controlled drugs, no matter whether you have proof that they have been prescribed for you).
- Take a letter from your doctor proving that the medicine was prescribed for you. This must include your name, the country/countries you're going to, a list of your medicine (including how much you have, doses, and strength), and your doctor's signature. You'll need to request this well in advance and you'll have to pay for it.
- Carry your medicine in its original packaging.
Check Your Travel Insurance Cover
If you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), it is essential to declare it when booking travel insurance. Failing to disclose this information could result in your insurance being invalid, leaving you uncovered in case of any health issues during your trip.
Choosing a specialist travel insurance company is advisable because they are experienced in covering pre-existing medical conditions. This ensures that all potential scenarios are covered, giving you peace of mind as you travel.
On the Day of Travel
Four Wheels on My Luggage
A suitcase with 4 wheels is designed to be rolled along, rather than dragged like 2 wheeled varieties. This will put less strain on your wrists, arms and shoulders.
READ MORE: My Top Travel Gadgets for Managing Health Conditions On Holiday
Take Your Time
Do build in enough time to get to the airport without rushing. If you're taking public transport, check accessibility for every leg, and remember that getting on and off is harder if you have luggage.
READ MORE: The Ultimate Guide to Airport Check-In
Travelling with Medication
You're allowed to carry essential medications with you in your hand luggage, including liquid medications and hypodermic syringes. However, you should always carry medicines in their original packaging and be aware that airport staff may need to open your containers at security to screen the liquid. Medical equipment will be screened separately.
If you're taking biological medicine, check in advance the temperature it needs to be kept at. If they have to be cool, take an insulated cool bag and make sure there's a fridge at your destination.
Airport Assistance
You have a right to special assistance if your mobility is limited. However, you'll need to arrange it well in advance – either through your travel agent, tour operator, or airline. If you have your own wheelchair, you should be able to use it right up to the departure gate, and it should be returned to you at the arrival gate. The airport will arrange one for you if you don't have your own.
You may need to allow extra time for check-in and getting to the gate if you need assistance.
Seat Selection
Ideally, try to arrange an aisle seat so, you don't have to climb over other passengers or ask them to move. You may be able to book a seat with extra legroom – although you may need to pay extra for this. Do remember that if you have difficulty moving quickly in an emergency, you probably won't be able to sit next to an emergency exit.
Consider taking a portable heat pack with you to help relieve stiffness on board. If you have a joint flare, an ice pack may help. A simple waterproof bag can be filled with ice by your cabin crew and refilled if needed.
READ MORE: Mastering Long-Haul Flights
While You're Away
Build in Rest – Doctor's Orders!
If you have RA, it's important to keep active to reduce stiffening up – but rest is also essential to reduce the risk of flare-ups of your condition. So a full-on activity holiday is not the best idea. Planning a trip with some sightseeing is fine but build in rest days and don't take on too much.
Keep It Cool
Take a fridge thermometer with you if you have medication that needs to be refrigerated. Many hotels and self-catering accommodations will have a fridge, but if it’s not at the right temperature (often 2-8 ° C) it could be ruined.
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Navigating travel with a condition like RA may initially seem daunting, but with thoughtful preparation and planning, it can be both a manageable and rewarding experience.
Being proactive about your health needs, whether that means organising medication, ensuring accessibility, or taking the time to rest, is integral to ensuring a smooth journey.
For more articles like this, make sure you explore our blog and guides.
Frequently Asked Questions
We'll ask you a series of questions about the medical history for you and any travellers on your quote. If you answer yes to any of these, you will need to tell us more about that condition. This could be a condition that a traveller has now or has had in the past. This makes it easy to know what you need to disclose.
If you are not sure what conditions you need to declare, we have online support available to help you 24/7!
Single trip travel insurance is a type of cover that protects you for the entire duration of a specific trip. Unlike annual multi-trip policies, single trip insurance is ideal if you’re only planning to travel once within a year. It typically includes cover for cancellations, medical emergencies, lost baggage, and more, ensuring peace of mind while you’re away. If you’re not a frequent traveller, single trip travel insurance is a great option and will likely be cheaper than an annual policy.